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Unions not needed for well-paid jobs

Re: Prosperity comes from competition, Letters, June 28.

To the Editor,

Re: Prosperity comes from competition, Letters, June 28.

Anthonie den Boef called Liz Fox on her statement that “well-paying union jobs are the key to prosperity”.

Fox only needed to drop the word ‘union’ to make her point.

It is true that the marketplace creates jobs (no one else) and without deep-pocket consumers the market will suffer.

As the market suffers the golden entrepreneurs will fire their ‘consumers’, move production to to where chicken feed is the norm and suffer the ‘slings and arrows of misfortune’.

It was Henry Ford who said, “I have to pay my employees enough to buy my product.” That is the market.

The buyers of that ‘golden egg’ can’t afford eggs, let alone the golden egg.

They are too busy paying rent and tax on everything to support local entrepreneurs, let alone the others.

Alan MacKinnon
