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Trustees should be listening to coalition of concerned parents

Why are they trying to deflect the genuine questions raised by the coalition on behalf of secondary PACs across the district?

To the Editor:

Re: Parents ask trustees to put Cedar re-opening on hold, June 9.

I attended the school board education committee meeting this month at which an excellent presentation was made by the newly formed coalition of secondary school PACs. The board’s reaction made me wonder,  “why are they trying to deflect the genuine questions raised by the coalition on behalf of secondary PACs across the district?” Our new trustees campaigned on wanting more transparency, to be more inclusive and to engage the community prior to decision making. So, why would they not want to work with a group of parents who are advocating “to promote the interests of present and future secondary school students in SD68?”

Maybe because they knew that the updated facilities plan, unveiled two weeks ago, would show that the board’s re-opening of Cedar Secondary clearly has some disastrous negative effects on the district’s existing secondary schools and the district as a whole.

Guess it’s not as easy as they thought to be district leaders, to be transparent and inclusive – or maybe because they see this coalition as a group with some very valid truth?

Barb HumphervilleNanaimo