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Teachers asking for too much in contract

Re: Teachers demand extra leave, July 12.

To the Editor,

Re: Teachers  demand extra leave, July 12.

The demands of the teachers union are an insult to every British Columbian. Who would demand such lavish benefits in a world that is drowning in debt?

We, as a people, are in so much debt as a person, municipality, province and country that we need to stop thinking that we are so hard done by.

The teachers’ union wants 10 days paid leave on the death of any friend or relative, and 26 weeks off each year as fully paid leave to provide compassionate care to any person.

The teachers want up to a 21-per cent pay raise for parity with teachers in Alberta, a five-per cent bonus for each year they work and more classroom prep time. This is aside from the gold-lined benefits they already are privileged with.

It could be possible that with Pro-D days, eight weeks of summer holidays, Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day, a two-weeks Christmas break, two weeks spring break and only 39 teaching weeks in the year as it is, a teacher with these demands could get paid $47,000 to $75,000 a year to not teach a day.

I don’t think we can afford to entertain any of these lavish benefits.

With declining enrolment, a 10-per cent decrease in pay, fewer Pro-D days and longer teaching hours in a day would go a long way to help our children have some sort of future and not have all the taxes they pay go to interest on our debt.

How do teachers think that they are entitled to such benefits?

B. Parker
