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Surgery waits should depend on urgency

The present health care system we have in effect is failing us big time. There is no sense of urgency in the system.

To the Editor

The present health care system we have in effect is failing us big time. There is no sense of urgency in the system. The system is run on a first-come, first-serve basis, just like when booking a vacation at the travel agent. The doctor fills out the form for a medical procedure, hands the request to a receptionist who then makes the appointment for the medical  procedure. That is wrong because we only live once with our bodies. We are not a car, boat, or a refrigerator. If we cannot find a repair part, it is no problem and waiting till parts are found is OK because these items can still be repaired regardless of the time factor – the exact opposite of this when it comes to our bodies. Time is of the utmost importance in medical issues.

These forms the doctors fill out should have three option boxes that the doctor must check off. The three boxes should be ‘can’t wait,’ ‘can wait’ and ‘exploratory.’

All we hear about the present medical system is that we need more employees and longer operating hours. Complete hogwash.

Put the above three-box check-off system into action and the system would work in accordance with urgency being first, down the ladder to minor, and wait times would no longer be an issue.

Joe SawchukDuncan