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Students need additional support to succeed

Re: University credit offered at no cost, April 19.

To the Editor,

Re: University credit offered at no cost, April 19.

Thanks for teaming up to help students get into university.  But VIU instructors will attest there is more to university than paying fees.

Rather, success is dependent on students developing strategies for review of daily class materials. Few students entering university review classes effectively.  This is a barrier to success.

On the other hand, some diligent students create reviews from flash cards.  They test themselves with these and make stacks of the cards they learn.  While the stacks of mastered cards gets taller, the stack of unknowns gets smaller and may finally disappear.

On the other hand, the Internet has sites for students to team up and make digital flashcards and share them online at no cost. They can quiz themselves with the paperless tests, much as they would with flash cards.

The websites are free and give students more opportunity for success. They also allow the digital cards to be turned into full-fledged class notes that are “flashnotes”.

Perhaps VIU and the school district will team up to show students where to find the sites.

Joel Rosenau
