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Someone has to pay for increased disability benefits

A lot of people get disability income, free social housing or subsidized rents, medical, etc., but it could be zero.

To the Editor,

Re: Those on disability deserve rights, Letters, Aug. 2.

I have not been paying close enough attention to the changes made to this program, but I have seen a few letters to the editor complaining of these changes.

Where do you think all this money comes from? As a taxpayer, paying a high percentage of my income to income taxes, I would prefer to keep my money.

People keep complaining for more, but I do not want to pay more. A lot of people get disability income, free social housing or subsidized rents, medical, etc., but it could be zero. Society pays for their lifestyle via taxes, higher insurance costs and higher costs of goods, and reduced CPP benefits than what it should be due to high numbers of disabled people.

Enough is enough. I am really sorry if I offend anyone as I am always offended by being forced to pay, pay, pay.

P. StockNanaimo