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Smart meters stomping on our freedom

Unless we take an active radio transmitter on our home, we will be forced to pay an extortionate fee to a monopoly.

To the Editor,

Watching the Remembrance Day ceremonies, I was again reminded of the sacrifice of those who fought and died for our freedom.

I also wonder what they think about the right of a monopoly corporation to demand, either that we accept their active radiation device on our homes and castles, or alternatively, that we pay an extortionate fee for the privilege of not having it? Hydro doesn’t have to do this. It can put its smart meter transmitter on the other end of the unique line that brings power to my home. I recently heard a local lady proudly tell how she had reduced her hydro bill to only $15 per month. Does she realize that unless she takes a smartmeter her bill will increase by 200 per cent?

I have no quarrel with those who accept the device on their home. We have found ourselves at similar junctions before and have made our individual choices: to smoke or not to smoke; to use asbestos insulation or not, etc. But never before have we been told that unless we take a product like an active radio transmitter on our home, we will be forced to pay an extortionate fee to a monopoly for the privilege of not having one.

Ron BolinNanaimo