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Robocall scandal an affront to democracy

Re: Growing concern over federal election fraud, Letters, March 15.

To the Editor,

Re: Growing concern over federal election fraud, Letters, March 15.

The robocall scandal is more than just ‘politics as usual.’

It’s an affront to the basic tenets of democracy, where citizens have the right to a free and fair election.

It’s an affront to the law, where suppression of the vote is a criminal act.

And it’s an affront to the Canadian citizen, who expects their government to be run in a forthright and honest manner. To represent us rather than deceive us.

While many on the right are trying to paint this story as ‘politics as usual,’ we will only know the truth when all the facts come out.

Ian Brodie, Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff from 2006 to 2008, was recently quoted in an e-mail sent to the Globe and Mail where he suggested that the scandal was potentially much larger than previously believed.

In reference to the scandal, he stated, “the genie was out of the bottle,” that the robocall effort could potentially be “a national effort at subterfuge.”

When this is coming from Harper’s former right-hand man, alarm bells should be ringing.

I hope further inquiry gets to the bottom of this, so that voter suppression doesn’t become ‘politics as usual.’

David Geselbracht
