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Responsibility for student progress lies with teachers

Re: Student progress on flatline, July 19.

To the Editor,

Re: Student progress on flatline, July 19.

When will the teachers accept at least some of the responsibility for the fact that Nanaimo students are not learning the basic skills needed for success and ease of learning in the future?

I taught in a system that tested language and mathematical skills in September and then in June, so we could easily evaluate the effectiveness of the programs we were providing.

Both areas are easily handled through individual programs that allow more time with students who are behind and challenge the students who find the material easy.

Of course, that would require the teachers to acknowledge that they are currently not providing the learning environment for these areas.

And I do not mean all teachers, as there are many who do the best they can.

Let’s get moving forward on this new initiative from the school board.

J. Sharpe
