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Refit ferries to haul mainland garbage

Re: Directors skeptical on location of possible garbage incinerator, June 15.

To the Editor,

Re: Directors skeptical on location of possible garbage incinerator, June 15.

Regarding the suggestions made by some to import garbage from the Lower Mainland to Vancouver Island, I do believe I have a solution to the problem: why not ship it on B.C. Ferries?

Hardly anyone is travelling on the ferries these days because of the exorbitant costs of a ticket and B.C. Ferry Corporation is therefore complaining they aren’t making enough money.

Why not ban private vehicles and instead use the former vehicle decks to be filled with garbage? The remaining ferry passengers could still ride on the top decks, although the windows would have to be altered so they could be opened to air out the smell of garbage. B.C. Ferries could earn considerable income and would be able to justifiably pay the wages received by their executives.

Considering each resident of the Greater Vancouver area is allowed to place two to three pails of garbage out every week it should not take long to fill a ferry.

Colleen McGrathNanaimo