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Referendum would allow for democracy

Re: No referendum on water borrowing, June 30.

To the Editor,

Re: No referendum on water borrowing, June 30.

As I read Coun. Bill Holdom’s argument about false democracy and a phony referendum, I am left to wonder if he understands either of these terms.

Despite the fact that we do not have it, but rather a form of periodically electing our masters, the term democracy means the rule of the people.

A referendum in our representative form of government is one of the very few vestiges of democracy we have and Holdom and those who voted with him stomped it to death.

How, in a democratic vote, can we have phony democracy?

When higher levels of government demand the extraction of funds from the pockets of municipal electors, who are responsible to defend their ratepayers and fight to make the best possible deal for their financial protection from such demands for tribute?

I had thought it was our council. I fear it has taken the easy and quisling path.

No heroes for democracy here. Rather those who see their roles as rulers above their obligations to serve.

Ron Bolin
