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Recycling worthwhile, but it needs to be convenient

The more difficult you make it to recycle, the less people will recycle.

To the Editor,

Is anyone in city hall aware that the more difficult you make it to recycle, the less people will recycle? Most people are willing to separate recyclables and put them in bags for curbside pickup. Most people are not willing to save boxes full of glass, styrofoam, and now plastic bags to make a trip to designated collection services.

We are all busy people. We have jobs, families and commitments that take up most of our available time. Adding more chores will just make more people unwilling to take the time to recycle and our landfill will just get bigger.

I am sure that most people, when given a choice, would pay more for complete curbside pickup of all recyclables. The town of View Royal for instance has had glass as part of its collection for years.

Michael Irvingvia e-mail