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Reality indicates a tough road ahead

Michel Foucault, a French social theorist, supposed that self-awareness leads to other things as existence alone isn’t enough.

To the Editor,

Michel Foucault, a French social theorist, supposed that self-awareness leads to other things as existence alone isn’t enough.

Nietzsche postulated that “truth is will to power.”

Not 2+2=4 kind of truth, but people truths. The kinds of truth that make us feel special; that give us convictions to gain new levels of personal aggrandizement (the act of increasing one’s wealth, prestige, power or scope).

What’s all this about?

It’s about mindset versus reality. There are real dangers ahead. There are glimpses and evidence, everywhere, all around us.

How about Nanaimo? Are we studying scenarios? What initiatives are we taking? None.

There are solutions, always, only if we act before events overtake us.

The 2008 recession was the first round. It wasn’t a devastating knock out –this is going to be a drawn out, multi-round bout. We must accept with each new round it’ll be harder to pick ourselves up.

Victor Blazevic
