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Rail line an important transit link

Re: Is this the end of the line? April 9.

To the Editor,

Re: Is this the end of the line? April 9.

We are seniors who have recently moved to Nanaimo. One of the attractions of life in Nanaimo is its proximity to Victoria, with a regular passenger train service.

But my wife went to buy a train ticket to Victoria, only to find out that she had to take the bus and then was stranded in Victoria due to the recent truck accident on the Malahat. The highway closure affected hundreds.

It is in disbelief that we now hear that the passenger train service may permanently shut down. This is a complete shock.

Nanaimo has a growing population, relying on this important communication link.

Further, we now read in the paper that the rail freight service may have to shut down because there is no money to maintain the track.  What about the businesses which are dependent on this means of freight transfer?

As for alternative methods of communication – well, there is the highway, but there are rising fuel costs to consider, plus the hazards of traffic and driving the Malahat.

As for the bus  –  old vehicles running from a dirty terminal that badly needs replacement.

Nanaimo has a splendid passenger train terminal nearing completion.  With a convenient schedule, we believe that many would benefit from being able to park their cars and take a comfortable train to Victoria. Please do not shut it down.

A. and E. Clarke
