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Pot use isn't really problematic

Isn’t it time for Canadians to realize the benefits of medical cannabis?

To the Editor,

Re: Pot referendum a waste of money, Letters, Sept. 3.

In California, legal medical cannabis has provided municipalities with much-needed tax revenues, and people in need of the cannabis can obtain it with a doctor’s referral.  It is truly a win-win for all concerned. I suspect the naysayers are unaware of cannabis’ medical properties.

Moreover, it is far less problematic to society than alcohol or tobacco, and carries the stigma that it does solely for political reasons.

Cannabis has countless medical benefits, is non-toxic, and associations with young people’s IQs and brain development are not causal. In other words, kids who are struggling in school, who lack motivation, often turn to alternate realities, including drug use; it is not the drug use that is the cause, it is the effect, the result.

Medical cannabis is intended for patients only and people who provide it to others, or kids, are irresponsible. It is benefiting thousands of patients in California and about 20 other states. Isn’t it time for Canadians to realize the benefits of medical cannabis?

B. PietyNanaimo