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Peer-reviewed study needed on meters

Re: Safety of smart meters questioned, Dec. 6.

To the Editor,

Re: Safety of smart meters questioned, Dec. 6.

In the debate over health concerns with smart meters, there seems to be no published peer-reviewed scientific papers that would indicate that smart meter technology is safe for people.

Instead, we hear from B.C. Hydro engineers, technocrats, bureaucrats, public relations people, corporations and government, that this technology is safe for human health.

But none of these groups of people know anything about the effects of microwave radiation passing through the human body. It is simply outside of their expertise.

They have somehow convinced themselves that obtaining this body of knowledge is not required, even though three to five per cent of the population suffer when exposed to microwave radiation.

In the past we have balanced dangers with lifestyle gains, but in this instance, smart meters only offer loss of jobs, more debt, loss of privacy, and increased electro-smog damage to the human race and to other species such as the pollinating and food producing honey bee.

Phil Marchant

Gabriola Island