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Parking and vehicle storage are separate issues

Vehicle storage is a private responsibility which should be paid for by vehicle owners

To the editor,

Re: City considers new direction on parking requirements, Aug. 8.

It is hoped that in its consideration of new parking requirements the city will consider the fundamental difference between vehicle movement and vehicle storage.

The former is required to facilitate people and goods being transported between places in a municipality or beyond, while the latter is required for the storage of vehicles when they are not in use. Vehicles are owned by people or organizations which need them for transportation. The storage of a vehicle when not in service is the responsibility of the individuals or organization which own them.

The road network is a public utility owned and operated by government for the benefit of all. Vehicle storage is a private responsibility which belongs to and should be paid for by vehicle owners. Confusing these two issues has led to increasingly severe problems for the public at large. Vehicle storage on public roads at no cost to the vehicle owner should be eliminated in all, rather than just some, instances.

Ron Bolin, Nanaimo