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Marina lease deprives users

NANAIMO – Re; Battle for the Boat Basin, Jan. 26.

To the Editor,

Re; Battle for the Boat Basin, Jan. 26.

The privatization of any public service is theft from the commons.

No public service that has been privatized has ever resulted in benefit to the public. Privatization inevitably results in poorer service to the public accompanied by increased cost to the users.

The privatization of B.C. Tel is a perfect example – higher costs, inferior service and the loss of good paying jobs for whose benefit?

Excuses that services are an unnecessary expense to a government arise from incompetent management. Ultimately, it is the users who pay and adding profits to the operating costs of private management drives up the user’s fees limiting access to those who can least afford it.

Privatization of any public service is theft that deprives the public of future income that would result from competent management.

The public has had enough of austerity and privatization. Common cause is needed to stop the theft of the commons for the benefit of a few.

John Jones
