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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Union’s issues might have a simple fix

Councillor’s remarks certainly hits the mark about what I surmise was the reason for the boycott

To the editor,

Re: Union workers boycott party hosted by city, Dec. 12.

Coun. Gord Fuller’s remarks referring to the fact “that a lot of management positions have gone, but there hasn’t been one position at the city gone” certainly hits the mark about what I surmise was the reason for the boycott. Something I believe the general public of Nanaimo is fully aware of and has been concerned about with growing apprehension for some time.

I have watched – painfully and with disgust, I must add – many televised city council meetings where the the city manager delivers long-winded wandering double-speak about the need for governance, her responsibility for hiring and firing of city personnel including trying to win support to micro manage nearly everything else within the city limits and the ‘dog-and-pony’ show council meeting where she delivered to council along with solicited help from city staff a poorly concocted and executed explanation for why so many managerial staff had fled the obviously toxic proverbial ship.

Possibly it is time to terminate the city manager and find a much more talented, refined, professional candidate with a more suitable background versed in the correct management practices and treatment of personnel employed by the city.

I am sure that Fuller truly knows the issue and contrary to his statement of denial it is really not hard to fix.

Weston Cox, Nanaimo

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