To the editor,
On our 1,000-square-foot bungalow in an old part of town, our taxes increased by a total of $392, or $39 per year on average from 2011 to 2021. From 2021 to 2024 they have increased $974, or $324 per year on average.
That is the legacy of a council that will adopt all the recommendations of a city staff – Metral Drive, bike lanes, duplicate bus exchanges, more and more money on downtown revitalization, all the while ignoring the aging infrastructure and wanting to put the taxpayers further into the hole by building another monument to city staff.
Of course this is what one can expect when the taxpayers don’t pay any attention and we have a city council supported by 16 per cent of eligible voters.
At a time when 25 per cent of Canadians are experiencing food insecurity, food bank use is increasing by 30 per cent and more and more elderly people facing actual homelessness, governments at all levels just keep taxing and spending as if everyone enjoyed the perks of being a public ‘servant.’
Jim Taylor, Nanaimo
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