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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Push back against over-taxation

Regional board members didn't seem to heed facts provided by residents during budgeting process, says letter writer
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To the editor,

I am more than aghast with the outcome of the Regional District of Nanaimo board meeting Dec. 2. While the turnout and presentations by more than 180 concerned citizens were precise and factual, the board still voted to accept what basically was its own budget.

Indeed there was one councillor that had the gall to recommend selling one’s home if they can’t afford the tax hikes.

One only needs to look at what’s happening, not only here in Canada but worldwide. Taxpayers have been pushed too far and push back is building rapidly.

Consider that the municipal taxes are taken from what is left over from families already taxed by federal and provincial governments and then must somehow pay tax again on any necessities to live. Refer to a Fraser Institute report, ‘Taxes consume more than 45 per cent of household income for average Canadian family’ as evidence.

Mark Doucette, Nanoose Bay

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press Media or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

Letters policy: Letters should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Preference is given to letters expressing an opinion on issues of local relevance or responding to items published in the News Bulletin. Include your address (it won’t be published) and a first name or two initials, and a surname. Unsigned letters will not be published.

Mail: Letters, Nanaimo News Bulletin, 777 Poplar St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 2H7

Fax: 250-753-0788


About the Author: Nanaimo Bulletin News Staff

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