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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Money spent on NRE an investment in zero waste

The NRE is always a busy and user-friendly place to drop off recyclables
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To the editor,

I wish to add my voice to support the building of a new facility for the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange on NRE-owned land. Money invested to that end now will be an investment in ‘waste management’ and continued consciousness directed at environmental protection.

The NRE is always a busy and user-friendly place to drop off recyclables and to contribute to the re-use community store. It is an organized and well-run facility. One only has to look around and see the volume of materials that this place is keeping out of landfills and illegal dumping sites which include our watershed and oceans. With an improved central facility and increased community awareness of its capacities, the NRE would be able to handle and house more reusable and items.

It makes financial sense to invest now in a plan to secure a continued centrally located place, with maximum potential for recycling and reuse purposes, run by an organization with a proven track record of efficient management and community benefit.

Joan Carruthers, Nanaimo