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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Make example of drug dealers

Drug dealers owe the rest of society a debt for the trouble they’ve caused, says letter writer
Drug dealers who are caught and convicted should do hard time, says letter writer.

To the editor,

In this era of drug addiction, mental illness and homelessness, and society’s apparent inability to respond properly, perhaps it would behoove us to tackle one of the main roots of the problem: drug dealers and suppliers.

Why not create the legislation necessary to come down exceedingly hard on them? If caught and convicted, maybe they could do hard time and participate in a restitution process such that they pay a debt on the heart-break, costs, societal aggravation and sheer deep trouble they have helped cause.

This could be one constructive and direct way we can deal with one of the defining dilemmas of our time.

C.J. Shivley, Nanaimo

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