To the editor,
I am a regular swimmer at the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre.
Recently the city purchased a large number of balls much to the delight of every unsupervised teenage male.
Many elderly people rely on the pool for working on their mobility issues, in addition to people who are recovering from workplace injuries or accidents, along with the physiotherapists who support them.
Last week I attended the pool at 8 a.m. due to being off work recovering from injury. This quiet, peaceful time was shattered when the pool was swarmed with approximately 60 students, mostly male who proceeded to fire the balls around the pool at each other. I saw three elderly people hit by the balls.
Sadly the teachers said nothing, nor did the lifeguards who are there to rescue people, not police behaviour, I think.
Clearly this unacceptable behaviour is tolerated as the balls were purchased by the aquatic centre.
There were also young parents with babies in the pool at the time who seemed also concerned about being hit by errant balls. Why is this permitted?
Growing up there were notices around the swimming pools stating ‘no horseplay.’ I guess it is OK now.
This behaviour makes being in the pool stressful. I hope this is reconsidered. Send the balls to Oliver Woods. You can’t bounce a ball in the water. All you can do is throw it at people and splash them. It’s totally unfriendly behaviour.
Gail van der Leek, Nanaimo
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