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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Harming an animal should be more severely punished

Letter writer 'disgusted' to read about recent animal cruelty case
The courthouse in Nanaimo.

To the editor,

Re: Ladysmith man fined after treating dog like ‘punching bag,’ Aug. 29.

I was disgusted to learn about the recent animal cruelty charge.

What kind of a sick individual would lay such a beating against a helpless puppy?

Once again the law got it wrong when they handed out a fine and community work for such a vicious crime. Even worse was the fact that this person will be able to own another animal one day.

Does the judge really believe that a crime like this won’t happen again to another precious animal? Does he believe that a fine and community work will cure this person from committing the same crime again? He deserved to get a jail sentence.

C. Rae, Parksville

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About the Author: Nanaimo Bulletin News Staff

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