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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Elect those who support rail

Vancouver Island residents deserve better transportation options, says letter writer
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To the editor,

In spite of what nay-sayers would have the public believe, rail transportation in the U.S. has been growing “at a rate higher than bus, subway and other public transportation modes” and “rail can effectively contribute to urban mobility and accessibility even if it can’t reduce traffic congestion,” according to Transfers magazine. Currently, Island-wide travel is possible only for those who own a driver’s licence.

For decades, Islanders have endured unkept promises by politicians of both political parties. Island-elected politicians have little power once within the province’s political ‘corrals.’ This fact was demonstrated vividly throughout the last election.

There’s hope though. Nanaimo could elect the Vancouver Island Party which could possess the balance of power in the legislature.

If Islanders like me are to realize any real transportation benefit from the provincial government, it is up to the people of Nanaimo to keep these facts in mind.

Dick Faulks, Victoria

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