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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Councillors will need to think critically

The political capital vault of our new city council is overflowing, says letter writer
Nanaimo city council. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

To the editor,

Re: Nanaimo’s new council meets for first time in council chambers, Nov. 19.

The political capital vault of our new city council is overflowing. Been a long time since a council rode in on such a wave of good will. This council has been empowered by Nanaimo voters to take bold action on long neglected files.

The thing about capital of course, it depreciates sitting idle, it needs to be invested. Will our new council invest wisely, or will they just become another layer of bureaucracy, rubber stamping what’s been put in front of them, deferring uncritically to ‘experts?’

We’ll know soon enough. First up: the south downtown waterfront lands.

Frank Murphy, Nanaimo

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