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Left-lane hogs are a hazard

These drivers are a major cause of frustration and definitely increase the risk of accidents.

To the Editor,

Re: Target speeders, not left-lane huggers, Letters, March 24.

I think targeting left-lane huggers was long overdue by our police force. These drivers are a major cause of frustration and definitely increase the risk of accidents. I have witnessed many times those who hug the left lane for far too long because they  will be turning left ‘eventually.’

Hugging the left lane is illegal. You should be capable of getting into the left lane in a timely fashion for your left-hand turn. If you cannot, then you should not be on the road because you are a hazard to all other drivers.

The letter writer’s attitude appalls me as it actively encourages speeders to make unsafe lane changes to get by him or her. Since when does this person think they are judge, jury and vigilante of our highways and other drivers?

L.A. Elliottvia e-mail


To the Editor,

Re: Target speeders, not left-lane huggers, Letters, March 24.

The person writing the letter obviously has not yet mastered the basic skill of operating a motor vehicle safely. If you are not capable of changing lanes safely, without interrupting the flow of traffic, you should be classified an unsafe driver and have no right to be on our roads. One of the basic requirements in operating a motor vehicle is being able to change lanes in order to pass and then change again to get back into the right lane.

Left-lane huggers are dangerous and provoke road rage.

And just for the record, I have driven in many major centres around the world in countries such as France, Spain and Italy where traffic borders on insanity, to say the least. In those major centres, you’ll find a concept called road etiquette which seems to be completely absent in this part of the world.

One major thing that I have learned above all: speed doesn’t kill, incompetent drivers do.

Reinhold KnabeNanaimo