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Inconsiderate pedestrians putting everyone's lives in danger

I’m sure you are all aware of the problems of having pedestrians stepping into traffic with little or no regard of the consequences.

To the Editor,

In the interest of public safety I would like to share my opinion on traffic.

I’m sure you are all aware of the problems of having pedestrians arrogantly stepping into traffic with little or no regard of the consequences they impose on a driver or a car, truck or bus. I have to wonder if they have any value for their own life, or hoping to get hit for the insurance, or are they too preoccupied with their own problems to be considerate and careful and take some accountability for their actions.

I’ve had numerous situations when a pedestrian has caused me to panic stop and have the vehicle behind me – following too close – almost rear-end my vehicle and then have the pedestrian smile arrogantly and even flip me off and keep on walking. It is no wonder that there are so many pedestrians injured or killed. It is no wonder that our insurance rates are so outrageously high.

Vehicles are designed to be safe in accidents but the designs also have built in blind spots which hamper the drivers’ vision to see pedestrians, bicyclists and skateboarders and even other vehicles at times.

Being retired from law enforcement and having investigated so many accidents of the maimed and dead, it baffles me how people can be so reckless and irresponsible.

We are all out of control and we are waiting for that accident to happen today, tomorrow, next week. And the insurance companies continue to smile and raise our premiums.

Carl A. Richardsonvia e-mail