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Incinerator proponents leave information gap

The corporations that want to build an incinerator in Nanaimo aren't helping us make an informed decision.

To the Editor,

The corporations that want to build an incinerator in Nanaimo to burn Vancouver’s garbage have filled whole pages of our newspapers without printing anything that could help us make an informed decision. Their website is even less insightful.

How much ash is left from the burn? What chemicals does it consist of? Which watershed is it to be dumped in, or are they planning on dumping it in the ocean? Of that dumped in the airshed, what chemicals are they? How large are the particles, especially the metals, and what polymers and benzine chains can we expect? And how much will there be?

They haven’t even provided a cost-benefit study, as to how much power is generated after the amount used in the burning process is deducted along with the wages, infrastructure costs, transport, and bonding for cleanup if a barge flips in our estuary.

Wheelabrator, Urbaser and Seaspan should quit whining and Vancouver should deal with its own waste.

Jim ErkiletianNanaimo