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Humans ignorantly destroying planet

Re: Vandalism of trees not entirely surprising, Letters, July 24.

To the Editor,

Re: Vandalism of trees not entirely surprising, Letters, July 24.

Melody Botten declares her sympathy for the unknown tree vandal who trespassed on someone’s property and ringed the bark and Cambrian off the trees in what seems to be an attempt to get a better view.

There are many things in this world worthy of giving sympathy for, but sympathy for a tree vandal’s act is like throwing your pearls before swine.

This whole obsession of having a view has caused many new neighbourhoods to be devoid of any natural beauty or shade and having a completely unobstructed view is too often more of a show of one’s status and mankind’s dominion over nature.

I find the older neighbourhoods with simple houses mixed in with mature trees of all kinds much more beautiful to walk in because there is a balance with nature as it should be.

If one wants a view, go for a walk and the view will be much more grand and not taken for granted.

Humans are slowly destroying this planet and too often it is not for need, but for the pleasure, the convenience, the status, the thrill, and out of ignorance and we have to be on guard that self-absorbed people with an inflated sense of self-worth stop abusing nature.

Holden Southward
