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Federal Conservatives destroying democratic process

NANAIMO – Re: Political work a balancing act, Opinion, Dec. 1.

To the Editor,

Re: Political work a balancing act, Opinion, Dec. 1.

I’m horrified Nanaimo newspapers have come out in favour of  the Conservative government.

The Conservatives are destroying the democratic process day by day in Parliament and transparency is now a disappearing concept.

For months we watched  Peter Mackay lie about the cost of the F35 fighter jets in Parliament. Billions of dollars of our money, pushed out of sight, under the table. This man goes on a fishing trip and has a Canadian rescue helicopter pick him up in the wilderness on our tab.

The Northern Gateway pipeline is going to destroy the environment. Some things are priceless and irretrievable.

I am heartsick at what is happening to Canada and to Canadian newspapers.

Madeline Bruce
