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Expensive food? It's all relative

Re: Canned tuna tastes all right, Letters, July 9.

To the Editor,

Re: Canned tuna tastes all right, Letters, July 9

For years experts have told us not to feed tuna to our cats because the levels of mercury are far too much for their tiny bodies.

Can you taste mercury any more than you can small carbon monoxide?

Nicole and I grow over 7,200 kilograms of food.

Most of our food is similarly priced to “store food,” which is generally grown using toxic and destructive methods that which poison our water, soil, air our earth our pets and of course our children.

Food being “expensive” is a myth.

How much do people pay for water, wine, lattes?

The average Canadian spends only 10 cents of every earned dollar on food. Europeans spend 18 to 35 per cent. Much of the world spends 50 per cent. Turks and Vietnamese spend 85 per cent.

If we had fewer goods that were not so obscenely cheap, then food would seem like a bargain (which it is).

We are so used to so many things being cheap (including food) we now see the current prices as expensive.

Relative to wages, food has been ridiculously cheap for 60 years.

We have come to expect food to be cheap so we can save money (which we do not “save”) as we simply spend it on yet more stuff.

The fact is, two billion people live on $2 per day.

One billion people live on $1 per day.

Westerners are spoiled consumers, who enjoy a criminally high standard of living which was created by colonization, unfair trade, slave labour, the rape of other cultures and their environment.

This is facilitated by lies, military might, international finance, currency manipulation, modern machinery and transportation systems that all run on oil mixed with blood.

Dirk BeckerLantzville