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Essential workers obliged to others

Re: Unions benefit workers with democratic voice, Letters, June 23.

To the Editor,

Re: Unions benefit workers with democratic voice, Letters, June 23.

It’s true and fair to say that people have a right to negotiate their pay and other benefits. It’s also true and fair to say that people have a right to plan and prepare for their retirement.

It’s also true and fair to say that people have the right to choose a job that has a future and to change that job when the future changes. Those rights can not be taken away from them.

Having said that, no one has the right to hold Canada and Canadians hostage for their personal gain.

It does not matter what line of work you are in, if your work is essential to the well-being of the country, your chosen obligation is not to yourself, it is to the country.

If that doesn’t appeal to you, you are free to find work that doesn’t impact the country.

Paul D. Good
