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Dumpers need to clean up their act

NANAIMO – Re: Harsher penalties won’t stop littering, Letters, Dec. 16.

To the Editor,

Re: Harsher penalties won’t stop littering, Letters, Dec. 16.

One just needs to walk down Tenth Street or where Southwood Drive ends in a cul-de-sac off Park Avenue to see piles of dumped garbage.

A whole truckload of old windows, drywall, door handles … you name it.

One day, while out walking, I spotted a pickup truck with trash in the box, backing up to the other trash.

The driver and I had a stare fight as I walked toward his truck, memorizing his licence plate number. He left.

I realize we must catch them at it, but if people are caught, they need to have their vehicle impounded for a period of time and their driver’s licence revoked.

A few more instances like that and I wonder how many people would feel the risk is worth it.

I  know it does cost to recycle and dispose of our garbage properly, but what price are we going to put on our environment?

Clean up your acts you illegal dumpers.

Lee Masciarelli
