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Dogs need their owners to fulfill role of leader

Re: Dog owners are lazy, ignore pets’ needs, Letters, April 19.

To the Editor,

Re: Dog owners are lazy, ignore pets’ needs, Letters, April 19.

A dog and everything it does is always the responsibility of its owner. A dog cannot train itself to behave to human standards, pick up after itself or remain civil while off-leash if it has not been trained to do so.

A dog is a reflection of his owner’s ability to lead. Most people consider their own emotional needs when acquiring a dog with little consideration to the needs of the dog.

Cesar Milan states that dogs’ primary needs are exercise, discipline and affection in that order.

A dog needs a leader and if the human doesn’t fulfill that role the dog will fill it. Not because the dog is a narcissist but because it’s structured in its DNA, they are genetically programed that way.

It is imperative for current and potential dog owners to educate themselves on how to fulfill a dog’s needs.

Exercise is the No. 1 need and it is nice that owners take responsibility and do it. Unfortunately, they are walking them incorrectly.

A dog should never be permitted to walk in front, pull, and smell other dogs, people or anything without the consent of its owner and the other party. It is not up to the dog to decide what it gets to do; it is up to the pack leader which must always be the human.

Placing leadership on a dog is a recipe for disaster leading to barking, lunging and aggression and can lead to death if left unchecked.

Nikki Mann
