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District of Lantzville should release its conflict-of-interest findings

This council has provided no such ability for the residents of Lantzville to see the basis for the conclusion of ‘no conflict.’

To the Editor,

Re: Lantzville council clears conflict of interest on water, Sept. 22.

While it might technically be correct that the legal opinion was made public, it needs to be made clear that, unlike the 2011-14 Lantzville council, which made the complete conflict-of-interest written, legal opinion public when signing the Nanaimo-Lantzville water agreement, this council, which set “communication, engagement and transparency” as its No. 2 strategic priority earlier this year, has provided no such ability for the residents of Lantzville to see the basis for the conclusion of ‘no conflict’ for themselves.

If Lantzville council wants to be able to claim any semblance of openness, this deficiency needs to be remedied immediately.

Lantzville residents want to know the methodology, rationale and information used to reach this conclusion.

Hans J. LarsenLantzville


To the Editor,

Re: Lantzville council votes to construct water pipe, Sept. 15.

I was astounded to read that the Mayor of Lantzville was against putting in the water line to link Lantzville to Nanaimo. This has been an ongoing conversation and multiple studies, after the population of Lantzville stupidly voted down the referendum years ago to link to the Arrowsmith dam project.

Lantzville presumably has markedly restricted water resources, and the idea that we should not have access to a reserve supply when and if we need it is absurd. One just has to look at what is happening in California right now to know that we need to prepare for more extreme water shortages in the near future.

Thankfully some of our political leaders have the knowledge and foresight to push ahead.

Mel PetremanLantzville