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Country’s democratic process flawed

We are a few orders-in-council pen strokes away from complete fascism.

To the Editor,

Re: Get informed, then cast vote, Editorial, Oct. 23.

By all means get informed. Then you will find that not one single elected or appointed official in Canada swears an oath pledging allegiance of any kind to the citizens of this country. You will find that more and more laws are being passed by ‘orders in council’ with absolutely no parliamentary debate. You will discover that our Elections Acts do not mandate any minimum voter turnout in order to validate an election result. We are a few orders-in-council pen strokes away from complete fascism. During the next federal and provincial elections, perhaps our collective energy would be better spent not voting, but rather by making a personal appearance at our local constituency offices and making it clear that we will not return to the polls until our leaders advocate to bring democratic process back to the people, where it belongs.

James G. SmithNanaimo