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Columnist offensive with views on pets

Re: Pet peeves slowly wear on reporter, Reporter’s Viewpoint, Jan. 3.

To the Editor,

Re: Pet peeves  slowly wear on reporter, Reporter’s Viewpoint, Jan. 3.

I was very disturbed to read this article.

When the SPCA and other animal advocacy groups are working tirelessly to educate people on the proper way to train their pets, I’m shocked that my local paper would print something that promotes aggressive and dominating behaviour as a way to discipline an animal.

The author may have intended this article to be humorous, but I didn’t find anything funny in drinking three glasses of wine, then kicking a dog, “just hard enough so he knows I mean business.”

I’m also surprised that statements implying that it’s better to get an animal that’s ‘used’ so it doesn’t have any traits to put up with are the kind of message that this paper wants to send to its readers.

It can be upsetting when guests don’t respect the boundaries of our home, but it is up to you to communicate that to the owner of the animal.

Instead of drinking wine so that you’re brave enough to treat a dog aggressively, how about speaking to your guests about the rules of your home?  If they don’t like it, they can leave their animal at home or not visit.

You could also contain any visiting pets into one section of your house.

I suggest the paper and the author of this article issue an apology to the dog.

Chevy Stevens
