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City making itself known as undesirable place to work

Re: NEDC pays $75,000 to Cudahy in settlement deal, May 19.

To the Editor,

Re: NEDC pays $75,000 to Cudahy in settlement deal, May 19.

Nanaimo has a great number of people who are a credit to the community.

Unfortunately, it also has its share of mental midgets.

The powers that be decided to hire someone to help put Nanaimo on the world stage.

Presumably, for the money it cost, they got the best that was available in Susan Cudahy.

If the talent they wanted had been available locally, it wouldn’t have been necessary for Cudahy to move here from Ontario. The fact that she is as capable as she is, is due in part to the fact that she had access to knowledge and talent that are not found in B.C.

So the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation hired her to put Nanaimo on the world stage as a place for tourists and investment.

Most regrettably, when she tried to do the job she was hired to do, the mental midgets struck and she was publicly assaulted, along with her daughter.

But it didn’t stop there. Another mental midget on the NEDC board had the audacity to take her keys and throw her off the property.

Instead of people complaining about the cost of her departure, they should be grateful she didn’t sue the city.

The recruiting company has said that it will try to find someone else, but I doubt that anyone in their right mind would want it.

Who would want to work for such a city?

The only stage Nanaimo should be on is the first one in orbit.

P. D. Good
