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Boathouse a boondoggle

Just build and manage your own special dream projects because we just do not have the money to spend.

To the Editor,

Re: Boathouse what community wants, Letters, May 22.

Despite the time where there is supposed to be a lot of economic restraint, plus more than that, just the usual common sense, there comes from out of the dark shadows into the light with a lot of great expectations from those who want to hustle, their special dream project with the ever-too-familiar sales pitch that it will be for the greater economic benefit to the community.

They are trying to sell us a lot of hogwash. These organizations still do not comprehend the reality that it will be yet again the taxpayers of Nanaimo who will ultimately get stuck with paying for yet another financial boondoggle of a money pit, just so they can get a much bigger slice of the taxpayers of Nanaimo’s humble pie, until finally it’s all gone; then what?

I would suggest to the Nanaimo Boathouse Society and others, just build and manage your special dream projects because we just do not have the money to spend.

Al MunroNanaimo