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Bills should recognize Canada’s First Nations

I think actually we should have half of all the symbols on our paper money about native culture and their leaders.

To the Editor,

Re: Honour women on our currency, Editorial, Jan. 21.

With all this distractive obsession about putting more symbols of women on our paper money denominations, one group of people has been forgotten. Canada as it is was organized as a new nation in 1867. All of us that are immigrants or are from immigrant descent have been here only since yesterday compared to the native peoples.

Before, on the Canadian $20 bill, there were native symbols but now they are absent on the new-issued bills. The native people that I know are humble people and have a lot of other issues more important to think about than the symbols on paper money.

I think actually we should have half of all the symbols on our paper money about native culture and their leaders just before the invasion of the Europeans. Having our first heads of state on our money is suitable along with symbols recognizing and celebrating the native people from past to present.

Holden SouthwardNanaimo