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Beefs & Bouquets, July 24

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
Beef to the owner of a collie who allows it to run off leash and urinate on people. You and your dog are a menace. It urinated on me as I sat in my beach chair. Then you explained to my friend as I’m dealing with my clothing in the water that it did the same thing to an elderly man. What is wrong with you?

BOUQUET To the number 50 bus route. It is so perfectly efficient. Best bus route RDN has.

BEEF To the city for approving yet another residential condensed people box. Here come the water restrictions, street parking mayhem and bike lanes.

BOUQUET To the Selby Street mission for providing free hot lunches to people who are homeless and in need. They have a safe and friendly place to sit and enjoy a lunch and a visit.

BEEF To the neighbours who continually place a large stand and attachments in the roadway saying ‘children playing.’ Enclose your backyard for them until they are older. Your massive sign is a distraction that will cause an accident.

BOUQUET To the businesses that still include contest entries by paper ballot or by telephone. Not everyone can enter if a QR code or text message is required.

BEEF To the motorcyclists charging around town with nowhere specific to go and nothing to do but burn climate-destroying fuel and annoying the entire city. Don’t try and tell me you aren’t simply ‘touring’ around town and highway. You are fair-weather drivers who start your tours in the morning and then return to get home before it’s dark.

BOUQUET Summer of 2024 so far has had a little bit of rain, a little bit of heat, a little bit of cloud and a whole lot of green. A farmer’s dream.

BEEF Persons who are not confident drivers should not rent RVs once a year and try to drive the north Island highways. If you can’t drive the posted speeds, pull over frequently and let the backed-up traffic get past you.

BOUQUET To Regional Recycling on Hayes Road. Very efficient and friendly staff.

BEEF So much for 100-per cent coverage. Went to a denturist for replacement and was told they would cost me over $1,800. As the plan only covers their estimate of what it should cost, the rest is up to me. Being on fixed income, will just have to hope the old ones will not break.

BOUQUET Shout out to the fellows at Quarterway Pub who paid the bill for my girlfriend and myself. Will pay forward.

BEEF To the person(s) who seem to be implying that people who believe in science and debate are not to be listened to. Yes, common sense is needed in assessing statements made by others but so is rigorous fact-checking using multiple, credible sources. Look at who/what is behind the website(s) that you are relying on for your information and what their credentials and education are.

BOUQUET I would like to thank all the customers who come in to Fabricland, who wait patiently in line while I cut another customer’s order and still, after the wait, thank me for their cut material.

BEEF To the transportation company. While it is a much-needed service, beef to the fact they say one thing about the schedule and then do something different. Not OK.

BOUQUET To the lady in Walmart for your lovely act of kindness. I was tired and just wanted to go home and you put a smile on my face and a spring in my step – and I am 87 years old. Thank you.

BEEF To the owner of a collie who allows it to run off leash and urinate on people. You and your dog are a menace. At Harper Road Beach access in Lantzville it urinated on me as I sat in my beach chair. Then you explained to my friend as I’m dealing with my clothing in the water that it did the same thing to an elderly man. What is wrong with you?

BOUQUET To the surgical staff at NRGH. I spent yesterday morning in their care having a repair procedure. They were courteous, efficient and very professional. I was not disappointed.

BEEF My concern is the amount of shellfish being harvested on the Nanoose Flats. There is always a lineup of cars at low tide. Are we waiting till there are no shellfish left?

BOUQUET To all the wonderful people in the Buttertubs social committee. Some great and creative happenings. Very inclusive to all at the complex. Always a great time.

BEEF To all the staff in administration working at the clinic. After more than a decade of being a patient I have witnessed unprofessionalism and lack of compassion for patient care. I am a person with a disability who has personally had my forms expire. They were handed paperwork to complete to send to the federal and/or provincial government which expired after weeks of being at their office.

BOUQUET Just had some work done on my BMW by Mark the mobile mechanic from Rolling Dutchman Automotive who was spot on with fixing the problem which saved me the time and effort to go to a dealership and wait. He figured out the problem within 10 minutes, fixed and was on his way, while I sat in my living room watching TV. Highly recommend him.

BEEF To the use of our million-dollar state-of-the-art fire trucks that are constantly driven, fully crewed, sirens blaring, to a first-responder call – not a fire – multiple times during weekend and weekdays.

BOUQUET To myself for finally being able to evict the world’s worst tenants after six years of hell. Life is now good.

BEEF To the residents of Pleasant Valley. Why deem it necessary to honk or flip off neighbours just backing our cars out onto Jenkins Road? You’re driving at excessive speed on a residential road where we cannot see you coming around the bend until you are upon us.

BOUQUET Teeth been bothering you? Need a thorough cleaning? Let not this hot weather slow you or hinder, just call Cedar Valley Dental and go see Harvinder. You will feel healthier and happier, get my meaning?

BEEF To our provincial government for allowing one in five people to go without a family doctor. There is just one walk-in clinic in my town where each morning people line up before it opens hoping to get a time frame to come back later to see a doctor if they are lucky. Otherwise, the only alternative is to add to the overcrowding of the local emergency ward.

BOUQUET To the Bulletin for continuing the tradition of Beefs & Bouquets. I find both amusement and instruction when reading the screeds of busybodies venting spleen and taking umbrage at the audacity of other people living differently than they ‘should.’ Then there are the bright stories of human kindness and excellence. People are capable of both good and bad, and that is why we have both beefs and bouquets.

BEEF In response to the tree fort removal by the city, I’d bet money it was that person who goes around looking for any bylaw infraction so he can call the city and feel like a hero.

BOUQUET To Guava clothing store. As I drive to work grumbling at 62 how I wish I could retire, your beautiful clothing display always puts a smile on my face. If I was 20 years younger I would be rocking it all. Fantastic storefront display.

BEEF I live in a non-profit subsidized building and I know about rent increase regulations but for some reason the government doesn’t abide by these rules. Therefore my rent increased $200 with less than a week’s notice and with no explanation.

BOUQUET To the kind gentleman who gave me a lift from the airport, in the wee hours, right to my front door. He returned a couple of days later with a book I had left in his car. So sorry that I didn’t recognize you in the bicycle helmet and shades. Would love to buy you a thank you lunch.

BEEF To the cyclist who rode (at a high speed) through a lit crosswalk with a pedestrian crossing, across Departure Bay Road behind Brooks Landing. You were lucky you didn’t clip the pedestrian, and then you cut off a car. And when called out on it you didn’t think you did anything wrong.

BOUQUET To the cyclist who found my wallet beside my car on Victoria Road. Thank you so much for knocking on my door to return it. You made my day and saved me a huge headache. So appreciated.

BEEF To the city councillor believing he should somehow decide on investments. Please stick to your lane such as garbage, potholes and homelessness.

BOUQUET To drivers who regularly check if their vehicle lights are working. Beef to those driving when lights, especially brake and turn signals, are not working.

BEEF To the person who thinks having a pet is devastating to the environment. Owning a pet is one of the best things in this world. People who don’t like pets, dogs and cats in particular, are a different breed themselves and I would be more worried about you than any animal large or small.

BOUQUET To the consistently wrong clock along Bowen Road. It never fails to make me laugh.

BEEF To the councillor who suggested that in the city could hire a third-party environmental, social, and governance fund to research the city’s investments. Who is paying for this? It sure is easy to spend others people’s money, isn’t it?

BOUQUET To Best of the City. What a pity to cast a vote for only one, come on now, that’s not much fun. For one, the Cedar Country Grocer is deserving of a big, big poster. So they sure get my vote. So now I’ll end my note.

BEEF To people tossing their cigarette butts on ground, especially during fire season.

BOUQUET Thank you Nanaimo Bulletin for always printing a Canadian flag in the paper before Canada Day. I love to save them and put them in all my windows for Canada Day.

BEEF To whoever is beefing about pets and their owners being a blight on the planet. Have you ever seen a dog throw cigarette butts and garbage out a car window? I haven’t. Have you ever seen dogs vandalizing property? I haven’t. Have you ever seen dogs break into homes and steal? I haven’t. There are no shortage of irresponsible humans out there. Have you ever stopped to think what your waste is doing to the planet?

BOUQUET To City of Nanaimo and contractors working on the sewer repair at Departure Bay Beach for the great job of cleaning up after such a major undertaking.

About the Author: Nanaimo Bulletin News Staff

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