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Beefs & Bouquets, Jan. 22

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
It has been 50 years since we in Canada have gone metric. Isn’t it time that the business with the sign showing the current time and temperature stop showing Fahrenheit?

BOUQUET Thanks so much to the Nanaimo Yacht Club for their annual Christmas Sailpast, and to those sailors who blew horns and yelled Merry Christmas to our grandkids. Also, a big thank-you to the port authority for keeping the gate open on the W.E. Mills wharf. The view from the end of the big dock gave our little ones a ‘front row’ to see all the boats go by.

BEEF To the beefer who ‘disagrees’ with the zipper merging. It’s actually a method literally encouraged by the government of B.C. to prevent congestion. Don’t want to wait 15 minutes? Switch lanes and do what the government suggests and zipper merge. If everyone did this, wait times would be reduced. It’s called thinking outside the lanes.

BOUQUET To all the Salvation Army kettle volunteers. Hopefully the Christmas campaign raised lots of money.

BEEF To the patrons of the gas station. When the lineup is 10 cars long, how can you think that it’s OK to leave your car at the pump to go into the store? There is a ton of parking nearby. Why isn’t consideration of others common sense?

BOUQUET To the doctors, nurses and staff at NRGH for the care given to my husband during his stay at the hospital. They made him as comfortable as possible.

BEEF To the dance studio for using pre-teens to teach classes. Teaching requires training, experience, and maturity – let’s leave the instruction to trained professionals who can properly guide students.

BOUQUET To all the beefers responding to the beefers about seniors’ income, well done for putting those beefers in their place. To the beefer who advised good things come to those who work hard and sacrifice, you have my vote for prime minister.

BEEF To the  dog walkers who wear dark clothing on our rainy windy nights. Several of my friends and including myself have had close calls when rounding corners to slam on the brakes to avoid jaywalkers and their pets in residential areas. Please wear reflector tape to avoid bodily harm.

BOUQUET To Maranatha Church for putting on a lovely Xmas dinner on Xmas day, thank you.

BEEF To the beefer calling concerned citizens anti-AAP. Those who rallied against the AAP were frustrated that two failures was not enough, when all that had been asked was to put it to a referendum vote so all the voters/taxpayers would have the opportunity to have their voice heard.

BOUQUET To seniors with perspective. Some things are better today, some worse. Wages versus rent and home prices are at a low, and public services are gutted. Young people face unique challenges. Those of us living with the consequences for decades appreciate seniors who don’t hold things in stasis or drag us backward out of misguided nostalgia and superiority.

BEEF To the woman outside the supermarket who asked my friend why she was wearing a mask. Unless we know an individual, we have no idea about the state of anyone’s health and should keep those questions and comments to ourselves.

BOUQUET To Joe G., author of the article on dog barking. Not so much for the article content, although it was very informative. No, instead I want to thank him for referring to dog owners as what they are – ‘guardians.’ It makes me bristle when people refer to themselves as ‘parents’ of their pets.

BEEF Watched a local government vehicle making a right turn at Turner and Uplands on a red light without slowing down, instead of coming to a full stop.

BOUQUET Most sincere thank you to Rob, cashier at Fairway Market. Your enthusiasm, cheerfulness and kindness is much appreciated. Thanks for your love given to our priceless pet each time we shop there. Keep up your good work, and spreading love to one and all.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo. Sometimes I feel like a rally car driver dodging potholes, ruts and poorly laid asphalt while shiny new empty bike lanes lay beside me.

BOUQUET To the building manager Jared at Bluestone Apartments for getting all the things we requested done quickly, your job is not an easy one and just wanted you to know that there are many of us who appreciate you.

BEEF To the landlords who don’t allow small dogs.

BOUQUET To Isaiah who brought my mail to my door after receiving it by mistake in his mailbox. Many thanks.

BEEF To the people who party at the end of Weigles Road and build bonfires that are left smouldering and unattended. Please stop throwing your recyclable beverage containers into the fire.  Please just put them aside so they can be collected and returned to recycling.  You would be helping someone augment their income and doing the planet a favour.

BOUQUET To a wonderful wife and partner who 50 years ago on New Year’s Eve said yes to my proposal. Love you very much darling.

BEEF To the driver of the car with the sticker which reads ‘I hope something good happens to you today.’ You cut us off so abruptly we had to slam on the brakes. What happened to good things?

BOUQUET Our family loves and appreciates Ms. Edwards for being such a wonderful, caring and supportive teacher. We need more teachers like you. The best to you in 2025.

BEEF To the speed bumps at Wellington Secondary and at the mall. Why are they so violent?

BOUQUET To London Drugs, which provides a gift bag full of wonderful goodies each Christmas and delivers the to shut-ins, disabled seniors, etc. This apparently is a yearly ritual, largely unrecognized and unacknowledged. I was a recipient this year and greatly appreciated a cozy blanket, cookies, etc.

BEEF To the coach and referees for the obvious condoning of a tremendous display of aggression and bullish behaviour witnessed at a local basketball game. The participant should be on a football field and not a basketball court.

BOUQUET To all those who chose to keep their outdoor Christmas lights on. Neighbourhoods are greatly enhanced and it surely is appreciated by dog walkers.

BEEF To the beefer. Yes I had my whole life to save for my retirement, but most of us were also busy raising the current generation of self-entitled children. In my 45 years of employment I’ve held up to five jobs at once. I’ve paid hundreds of thousands in taxes. Yes, my rent may have been lower, but so was my pay. Although I am fortunate to have a work pension, many seniors do not. I’ve paid my dues. So, yes, I am very much appreciative of any discounts I’m offered.

BOUQUET To Daniel of Yard Boyz Maintenance for his prompt, thorough and professional service.

BEEF The crows destroying lawns in north Nanaimo do so only because negligent property owners are not controlling the grub infestations in their lawns thus spreading to their neighbours’ lawns, compounding the problem.

BOUQUET I recently talked to a City of Nanaimo manager and was told that the city lawns in front of properties could be changed to gravel, bark mulch, rocks or shrubs or anything that people want to put in. This makes more sense than grass.

BEEF To the city for planting grass, shrubs, trees on the meridians. To save costs why not just put cement. If you were to ask the citizens if they wanted greenery which means higher taxes or cement I think the majority would opt for the lower costs. Also the maintenance of weed-whacking the grass and the rocks that are hitting cars is another factor.

BOUQUET Thank you Island Health caregivers and case worker. Our family is so appreciative of your care for our father. You made a very difficult time easier to navigate.

BEEF To this overspending, out-of-touch council for the unnecessary expenditures. I applaud councils working to only spend what is absolutely a necessity, and asking citizens their feedback before they go ahead with projects.

BOUQUET Once again to the MGM Restaurant for helping to make our tai chi Christmas luncheon a huge success. Thank you.

BEEF To the vacuum shop. I’ve been a loyal customer for many years. When I arrived, I immediately asked for a specific part. Rather than simply respond, you proceeded to upsell me things I didn’t want or need. We won’t be returning.

BOUQUET After a vicious wind storm, I noticed a neighbour’s two planters had fallen over. The young man driving the garbage truck took two seconds to upright her planters. Made my heart glad.

BEEF It has been 50 years since we in Canada have gone metric. Isn’t it time that the business with the sign showing the current time and temperature stop showing Fahrenheit?

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

About the Author: Nanaimo Bulletin News Staff

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