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All taxpayers have stake in schools

We taxpayers have a financial responsibility to support a first-class education for B.C. students so that they can contribute to society.

To the Editor,

Re: Education model requires change, Opinion, Sept. 9.

The guest comment in Tuesday’s paper was spot on – with one exception. The writer left out ordinary taxpayers who are neither parents nor teachers. Yet we have a major financial stake in supporting the educational system.

I’d suggest that we should recognize that we taxpayers have a financial responsibility to support a first-class education for B.C. students so that they can, in turn, contribute to society. But we should also demand from those who provide that education full accountability and value for money.

John Tyrrellvia e-mail


To the Editor,

Re: Appeal of class-size ruling next month, Sept. 4.

The front-page picture shows a little girl holding a sign, “Honk for public education,” while on the picket line with her parents.

This five-year-old has no idea what the fuss is all about, except what she hears from her parents which, looking at the sign she is carrying, is hardly a balanced point of view.

There is no place for this little girl on the picket line, holding a sign planted in her hands. She should be allowed to play with her toys, instead of being used as a pawn in a conflict of which she has no understanding.

Erik WarnersNanaimo