Upcoming Meetings
September 9 Regular Council Meeting
September 23 Regular Council Meeting
September 26 Special Meeting Council (Public Hearing)
The Regular and Special Council Meetings commence their open portions at 7:00 p.m. in the Shaw Auditorium, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 80 Commercial Street. As the schedule is subject to change, please check Nanaimo.ca for updates.
Your Mayor & Council
Leonard Krog, Mayor ………………………………leonard.krog@nanaimo.ca
Sheryl Armstrong, Councillor …………………..sheryl.armstrong@nanaimo.ca
Tyler Brown, Councillor …………………………..tyler.brown@nanaimo.ca
Hilary Eastmure, Councillor …………………….hilary.eastmure@nanaimo.ca
Ben Geselbracht, Councillor …………………….ben.geselbracht@nanaimo.ca
Erin Hemmens, Councillor ……………………….erin.hemmens@nanaimo.ca
Paul Manly, Councillor ……………………………paul.manly@nanaimo.ca
Janice Perrino, Councillor ……………………….janice.perrino@nanaimo.ca
Ian Thorpe, Councillor …………………………….ian.thorpe@nanaimo.ca