Sections 272 and 286 of the Local Government Act
Notice is hereby given that the Regional District of Nanaimo (the “RDN”) intends to dispose of its entire interest in that 203.4m2 portion of the following property shown as Land to be dedicated as road (the “Road Dedication”):
Legal description:
PID: 030-705-029
Lot A, District Lot 28, Nanoose District, Plan EPP80238
Civic Address:
957 Lee Road (West)
Parksville, BC
The Road Dedication is on the opposite side of the Island Highway from the above parcel and was separated from the above parcel during a prior realignment of the Island Highway. The Road Dedication will be dedicated as arterial highway pursuant to Section 107 of the Land Title Act and vested in the Crown in right of the Province of British Columbia.
The RDN will receive no monetary consideration for the Road Dedication, but the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will assume responsibility to maintain the Road Dedication.
Dated at the City of Nanaimo this 1st day of June 2023