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Application No. 419235

Application for a Permit Amendment Under the Provisions of the Environmental Management Act

We/I, Coastland Wood Industries Ltd. intend to submit this application to the Director to amend Air Permit 17677. The Permit currently authorizes discharges from one wood-fired energy system and from two natural gas-fired water heaters that operate as backup to the energy system. This application requests the addition of air emissions from five cyclones that have been running in current state since 2000. One Trimmer Cyclone services a peeler core trimsaw sawdust removal system. Four Veneer Stacker Cyclones serve to vent exhaust from a vacuum system for lifting and moving green veneers.

The source(s) of discharge are one Trimmer Cyclone and four Veneer Stacker Cyclones.

The land upon which the facility is situated, and the discharge occurs, is PID: 025-990-756, located at 942 Haliburton Street, within the Nanaimo Airshed.

The maximum rate of emissions from the five cyclones will be as follows:


Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed discharge and wishes to provide relevant information may, within 30 days after the last date of posting, publishing, service or display, send written comments to the applicant, with a copy to the Regional Director, Industrial Waste Authorizations, ENV at Please include “Permit Application 419235” in the subject line. Further information is available at the contact shown below. The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in relation to this application will become part of the public record.

Dated this 27th day of September, 2023.

Contact person: Clint Parcher, Vice President, Operations

Email address:

Canada Post: Attention Clint Parcher, Coastland Wood Industries Ltd., 751 Haliburton St., Nanaimo, BC, V9R 4W8