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Teens bond in band over boredom

NANAIMO – Flipside Cinema perform at Vancouver Island University's Malaspina Theatre with Sherry Smith on Wednesday (April 16).

For teenagers Travis Adams, Hogan Smith and Troy Pawloski it was pure boredom that brought them together musically.

“We we’re bored and we had nothing else to do,” Adams said. “All of us are huge music fans ... and we’ve all been friends for a quite awhile and we just finally realized that we all liked the same music.”

That realization quickly turned into Flipside Cinema, a recently formed alternative-rock band that hails from the Harbour City.

On Wednesday (April 16) Flipside Cinema will be performing at Vancouver Island University’s Malaspina Theatre alongside Sherry Smith.

“It’s going to be pretty cool,” Adams said about the upcoming gig. “It’s going to be an interesting show because the other band is more folk-blues and we’re alternative rock. So it will mix up the show.”

Since forming over a year ago, Flipside Cinema have been constantly writing and trying to discover their sound, which has undergone some changes.

“We started changing our sound from hard rock into alternative rock,” Adams said. “It’s a really big mix up. Some songs have got synthesizers and electronic alternative sounds but then we can go into a heavy rock, almost borderline metal sound. It’s kind of interesting.”

Adams explained that at this point Flipside Cinema’s lyrical content touches on issues related to being a teenager and the show Twilight Zone.

“I am a huge fan of the Twilight Zone and I’ve actually written a few songs that are about the Twilight Zone, and people who are fans of it will know that by the names of the songs,” Adams said.

The Cedar Community Secondary School students are working towards putting out an EP, which they hope to do sometime next year.

Adams explained that while they have had no problem finding studio time in the Harbour City, they have had problems coming up with the funds for time.

“We got a great guy in Lantzville who give us time,” Adams said. “It’s actually not hard to find studio time it’s just hard to get the money for it.”

Although Flipside Cinema has yet to play many shows at the various music venues throughout the Harbour City, which is due to their age, they said Nanaimo is a supportive community of new music from younger artists.

For more information, please visit