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Coarse acting adds to play’s humour

They want to be great without actually working at it. Coarse actors – a player who knows all his lines but not necessarily the order in which they come.

Students in Dover Bay Secondary School’s performance academy are taking their performances over the top for their show Four Plays for Coarse Actors May 26-28.

The students perform in a fictitious acting company, The Michael Green Memorial Players, and each is cast in a play reminiscent of the great classics, including the little known Shakespeare play All’s Well that Ends as You Like It. It’s full of Shakespeare curses, such as one player in multiple parts, an unfunny clown, improbable British accents and some technical malfunctions.

The plays take place in the school’s multipurpose room. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $8; $6/students at the school office or at the door.

About the Author: Staff Writer

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